Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

September 1862


September 1862


From George Murray to his parents, dated SEP1862, Camp Prescott. ""We are on the sacred soil of Virginia at last."" Describes marching through Washington past the White House, Smithsonian, Washington Monument, and down PA Ave. Currently camped 7 or 8 miles from Washington. In pencil on folder stationary, stained and soiled, especially on page 4. Small pinholes at the folds, ""F"" mark embossed at top.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Camp Prescott Va. Sept. 1862

Dear Father & Mother

We are on the sacred soil of Virginia at last. We left Camp Crossman last Thursday, and arrived at our present camp about five o'clock. We marched pass the president's house, Smithison Institute, and the Washington monument. We marched down Pennsylvania Avenue. We marched past Gen Casey Headquarters, but I do not know where his division is stationed. We marched across the long bridge, this about a mile long; with gates and guards on the Virginia side. There are about 15,000 thousand troops stationed here at present. We are lying in the Scott's Legion Camp, they are stationed on picket duty about three miles off, a few of them are lying here, the most of them are sick. I saw James Louis in this camp when we reached here. We were ordered to Fort Lyon about four miles beyond, but we put up for the night and we do not know how soon we will leave it, but I hope it will be pretty soon, and I do not like it, because we dare not go out to get any water. It is a splendid sight after night, to look over the encampment and into Washington, and see the lights. Our encampment lays on high ground. There nothing but music from nine or ten o'clock at night, drum, fifes, and bands. Eighty eight of the deserters from our regiment were reprimanded before the whole regiment. Mr. Gentry & Mr. Helen left just before we started last Thursday, we sent out warrant for our other $25. I have just received a letter from James Fulmore, and I was very glad to get it. We received orders tonight to keep ourselves in readiness to march at a moments notice, and to carry one hundred rounds of cartridge and have three days rations in our haversacks. We were ordered to report to Genl. Stoneman. We are under Genl. Ruff at present. We were formerly under the command of Col. Gibson the former commander of Fort Delaware. I am well at present, and hope these few lines will find you the same. Write soon. But I must bring my letter to a close. Direct to Captain Bowen 114 Regiment P.V.I. Washington D.C., or elsewhere and it will follow us. We are not in Washington but we are seven or eight miles from it on the opposite side of the river.

G. Murray

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


September 1862




George Murray, “September 1862,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 11, 2024,