Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

Browse Items (19 total)

Head qt. 8th La. Reg
January 5, 1862

Lieut James R Smith, A.D.C.


I herewith transmit to you $458 amount subscribed by our Regt for the relief of the sufferers at Fredericksburg. It is very little, we know and we regret it, but…

Fredericksburg June 24th 1862 Genl Rufus Kng Commanding Division US Army Sir, I herewith send a communication for Maj Genl McDowell, which I respectfully request may be forwarded to him at your earliest convenience. Your many acts of courtesy and…

Hd.qr 1st Va Arty Camp near Bowling Green Lt. Jas. P. Smith A.D.C. ___ Lieutenant: I send $122__ the subscription of the six companies now under my command for the Fredericksburg sufferers. It would have been larger but for the fact that the men's…

Hd. qts 1st Regt, N.C. Troops
Bivouac Near Fredericksburg, Va
Jany 3, 1863

Capt. F. T. Snead
AA Genl
Doles Brigade


I herewith transmit Five Hundred & thirty-seven ($537) dollars Contributed By My Regiment to the Fredericksburg…

Richmond January 6th, 1863

Montgomery Slaughter Esq
Mayor of Fredericksburg

Dear Sir,

We have been surprised and disappointed that we have not heard from the receiving and distributing committee in Fredericksburg. We have (Rec) but one…

Guinea Depot
Jany-- 1864


Enclosed please find ($150) one hundred & fifty dollars contributed by the Officers and privates of Co. D 2 Va. Infantry 1st Brigade Jackson's Old Division for the aid of the Fredericksburg sufferers.


Camp near Fredericksburg
Hd. Qtrs Army Northern Va.
January 9th 1863

His honor M. Slaughter
Mayor of Fredericksburg


Your note of yesterday enclosing an application from Mrs. Catherine Levi asking permission to return to her is…

H[ead Qrs] A.P. Hill's
Light Division
Jany 21st 1863


I have the honor to transmit herewith the amount subscribed by the Light Division for the benefit of the Fredericksburg Sufferers, amounting to Ten thousand, four hundred and forty…

Head-Quarters Kemper's Brigade
Jany 31st 1863

Hon. M. Slaughter
Mayor of Fredericksburg


Enclosed herewith I have the honor to send you two thousand two hundred and ninety one dollars and fifty cents ($2291. 50/100), being a part of…

Camp 1st Maryland Battalion near New Market, Va January 31st, 1863 To M. Slaughter Esq Mayor Fredericksburg, Va My dear Sir I am in recp't- of your favor of 22nd inst. You will please find enclosed 2 Drafts in Richmond in your favor for Nine Hundred…
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