Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

August 31, 1864


August 31, 1864


From George Murray to his parents, dated 31AUG1864, Steamer Connecticut. On the way back to City Point after taking wounded to Washington. Mentions large numbers of wounded suffered at attack on Weldon railroad. Hopes to be paid soon. Great excitement over possibility of McClellan running for president. In ink on lined sheet. Four large holes at the right, but the text is not obscured. List of figures running along the top. Embossed seal at upper left.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Steamer Connecticut Aug 31st /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 20th inst about a week ago but as I had not time to write I did not answer it. Your letter found me in good health and spirits and hope this will find you the same. We are now on our way back to City Point we took a load of sick and wounded to Washington yesterday it takes about eighteen hours to go from Washington to City Point. Yesterday I received a letter from Charley Gentry dated the 17th he said they were all well he also said that John Dewees was on duty at Camp Destribution. You can see more by the papers than I can tell you. We are very busy now the Hospital boats are running very nearly night and day. In the last attack at the Weldon Railroad I think our troops suffered very nearly as bad as the rebs. You ask me if I would like to be at Uncle Roberts awhile I would still fruit is very cheap down here. We was mustered this morning for two months pay and I expect we will get paid in a few days. There is great excitement on the boat politics is the cause of it you ought to hear the speeches sometime they are for Abraham and Little Mac as he is called I cannot make out which is the most numerous but if McCllelan runs there will be a tough time of it as I think he will have the majority in the army but not at home. But I have told you all that I know at present. Give my respects to all of my friends.

George Murray.

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


August 31, 1864




George Murray, “August 31, 1864,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed March 10, 2025,