March 31, 1863
March 31, 1863
Letter from Capt. Williamson, A.A.G. of Maryland troops, to Mayor Slaughter of Fredericksburg, dated 31MAR1863, Staunton. Encloses contributions from Maryland troops in the amount of $324.00 for the sufferers of Fredericksburg. In ink, slightly faded.
-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service
-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service
March 31st
Montgomery Slaughter Esq., Mayor of Fredericksburg
I have the honor to enclose to you a check for three hundred and twenty four dollars ($324), the contribution of Cos B&D and of the field and staff of the M-Cavalry. The contribution of the ____ Maryland Battalion Infantry & of the Balt Lt. Artillery were forward to you some time [before] and here, I trust have been duly received. I am in ____ that the other companies of the Cavalry will do their part in aiding the heroic sufferers of your ancient [and] hospitable [city]. Availing myself of this opportunity to confere to you my admiration of the manner in which you have discharged the duties of your [sufferers' needs]
Your Obt Ser
____ Willamson
Capt. & AAG ' Md Troops
-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service. Additions bracketed
Montgomery Slaughter Esq., Mayor of Fredericksburg
I have the honor to enclose to you a check for three hundred and twenty four dollars ($324), the contribution of Cos B&D and of the field and staff of the M-Cavalry. The contribution of the ____ Maryland Battalion Infantry & of the Balt Lt. Artillery were forward to you some time [before] and here, I trust have been duly received. I am in ____ that the other companies of the Cavalry will do their part in aiding the heroic sufferers of your ancient [and] hospitable [city]. Availing myself of this opportunity to confere to you my admiration of the manner in which you have discharged the duties of your [sufferers' needs]
Your Obt Ser
____ Willamson
Capt. & AAG ' Md Troops
-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service. Additions bracketed
Capt. Williamson
March 31, 1863
Capt. Williamson , “March 31, 1863,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed March 10, 2025,