January 21, 1864
January 21, 1864
Letter from Theodore G. Barker, to Mayor Slaughter, dated 21JAN1864, HQ Hampton's Cavalry Division. Sent regarding citizens crossing the river. In an effort to prevent speculation only well known citizens from the immediate vicinity of Fredericksburg having obvious hardship cases will be allowed to cross. In ink on a blue sheet, faded and torn in several pieces.
-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service
-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service
Hd Q. Hampton's Cav.
Dw Jany 21, 1864
Major General Hampton directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of 20th last and to say that he would have replied in person, but your note was received, as he was on the point of starting for Richmond. The General directs me to express his appreciation of your views and his approval of the position taken by yourself as to citizens, crossing the river. The orders are strict as to granting permits to pass our lines, especially at this time, the direction, given to the Provost Marshall to refer to you, was to provide only for cases of obvious hardship to well known citizens, residing in the immediate vicinity of Fredericksburg, and was not intended to cover all cases of loyalty. The privilege, if abused to the profit of individuals using it for purposes of speculating Traffic would be withdrawn altogether. All persons not known to you as being so situated as absolutely to require a permit to cross, will be referred to the Secretary of War or proper authority in Richmond. You will please communicate with the Provost Marshall these directions, in case he has not received instructions from Brig Genl Young in order that you may be saved unnecessary annoyances.
I am Sir with much respect y
our Obedt. Servt.
Theodore G. Barker
Hon. M. Slaughter
Mayor of
-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service
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Dw Jany 21, 1864
Major General Hampton directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of 20th last and to say that he would have replied in person, but your note was received, as he was on the point of starting for Richmond. The General directs me to express his appreciation of your views and his approval of the position taken by yourself as to citizens, crossing the river. The orders are strict as to granting permits to pass our lines, especially at this time, the direction, given to the Provost Marshall to refer to you, was to provide only for cases of obvious hardship to well known citizens, residing in the immediate vicinity of Fredericksburg, and was not intended to cover all cases of loyalty. The privilege, if abused to the profit of individuals using it for purposes of speculating Traffic would be withdrawn altogether. All persons not known to you as being so situated as absolutely to require a permit to cross, will be referred to the Secretary of War or proper authority in Richmond. You will please communicate with the Provost Marshall these directions, in case he has not received instructions from Brig Genl Young in order that you may be saved unnecessary annoyances.
I am Sir with much respect y
our Obedt. Servt.
Theodore G. Barker
Hon. M. Slaughter
Mayor of
-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service
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Theodore G. Barker
January 21, 1864
Theodore G. Barker, “January 21, 1864,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed March 10, 2025, https://slaughtermurray.umwhistory.org/items/show/84.