Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

Browse Items (83 total)

Washington June 30th /63

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 19th inst on the 24th but I had not time to answer it before we started for City Point. I have written three letters to you but you say that you have not received…

Hampton Roads Sept 17th /63

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 31st inst last Saturday and was glad to hear from you. We are now lying in Hampton Roads waiting for orders. Last Thursday week we took a load to Washington came…

April 15th /64
Barracks D.C
Headquarters of V. R. C. Cliffburne

Dear Father & Mother.

I now sit down to write you a few lines to let you know how I am getting along. We left the Hospital at half past two in the afternoon left Broad and Prime…

Depot Camp of V. R. C. April 24th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I now sit down to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well, and hope these few lines will find you the same. I am now acting orderly for one of the Captains. I was…

Hospital Boat Connecticut
off Alexandria Va.
May 4th /64

Dear Father & Mother
I received the letter that you wrote to me on the 2nd of May just as I was starting off. There was a squad of us sent on this boat and another on the State of Maine…

Steamer Connecticut Aug 12th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 31st inst. yesterday. We took a load of wounded up to Washington. For the last week we have been carrying wounded to Fort Monroe. In the load that we carried…

Steamer Connecticut Aug 22nd /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received two letters from you one dated the 5th of June and the other the 11th of August. I was glad to hear from you. We took a load of sick and wounded to Washington last Saturday the…

Steamer Connecticut Aug 31st /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 20th inst about a week ago but as I had not time to write I did not answer it. Your letter found me in good health and spirits and hope this will find you the…

New York Sept 22nd /64

Dear Father & Mother

I received your letter of the 8th inst on the 19th which we were lying in Hampton Roads near Fortress Monroe. Your letter found me in good health as I hope these few lines will find you the same. We…

Washington Oct 8th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letters of 20th and 1st inst this morning and was very glad to hear from you. Your letters found me in good health as I hope these few lines will find you the same. We left City Point…
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