Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

April 15, 1864


April 15, 1864


From George Murray to his parents, dated 15APR1864, barracks, Washington, D.C., Head Quarters of VRC Cliffburne. Tells of arriving in Washington at barracks and the great number of men waiting to be assigned to companies and regiments. In pencil on blue lined folder stationary. Torn in four places along the bottom. Soiled.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


April 15th /64
Barracks D.C
Headquarters of V. R. C. Cliffburne

Dear Father & Mother.

I now sit down to write you a few lines to let you know how I am getting along. We left the Hospital at half past two in the afternoon left Broad and Prime at 20 minutes of six got to Baltimore at two o'clock marched through it to the Washington Depot left for Washington at three o'clock in the morning got to Washington at six o'clock in the morning and on to the barracks at about seven o'clock very tired and sleeply. We found several hundred men here in both Battalions as this is the Headquarters waiting to be put into companies and regiments. The barracks are built on the top of a high hill we can see all over Washington. It is situated out of fourteenth St. I cannot tell how long we will stay here as they are forming the men into companies and regiments as fast as they can. I am well. Do not (not) write till I can tell you where to direct. But I am tired and sleeply and I must close. We have got very comfortable quarters all that I am afraid of is the bugs.

G. Murray.

"Veteran Reserve Corps"
is the title of the Humbug.

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


April 15, 1864




George Murray, “April 15, 1864,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed October 18, 2024,