Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

March 22, 1863


March 22, 1863


From George Murray to his parents, dated 22MAR1863, Potomac Creek. Received a box and newspapers, and asks them to send him a comb. Describes his log hut. Complains of all the mud. In pencil on lined sheet, slightly stained, embossed mark at upper left. Treated 7/1994 by S. Filter/J. Herrick.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Potomac Creek Mar 22nd 1863

Dear Father & Mother

I received your letter of the 15th inst last evening, and was very glad to hear from you. I received my box, and everything was good in it. You ask me if I can manage to keep war, might think so if you saw what a roaring fire we keep in our fireplace, there are five of us in our hut, and each one carries a stick of wood for the fire. I am not troubled with my feet, but one thing I am troubled with is mud, everywhere you go you get over shoetop in it. You want to know whether we have any shelter, we have log houses built four or five logs high with a chimney and bunks raised about a foot from the ground. The major is getting awful strict, so that he is getting the men down on him. I am well and hope these few lines will find you the same. They call this place Blair. I receive the papers that you sent to me. I would like you to send me a comb that will shut up in a newspaper.

Yours G. Murray

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


March 22, 1863




George Murray, “March 22, 1863,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 20, 2024,