Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

February 25, 1865


February 25, 1865


From George Murray to his parents, dated 25FEB1865. The rebels are getting desperate and deserting heavily,at the rate of up to 50 a day. Also desertion to the rear. Says most have served their time and are discouraged. Reports that Lee is building corduroy roads to the rear to haul his guns off. The paymaster has not yet come. In pencil on lined folder stationary, soiled and creased. Torn along the edges. "Paris" mark at top.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Headquarters Army of Potomac Feb 25th /65

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter dated the 19th yesterday morning. It found me in good health. I also received a letter from Maggie this morning. A few days ago I received a letter from Grandpap he said they were all well. On the 22nd they fired a salute in front of Headquarters. Yesterday they fired a salute in honor of the victory at Wilmington. All of the Bustleton boys are well. In my last letter to you I told you to send me a pair of stockings and a hat I was not sure whether you received it or not. The rebs are getting desperate they are making dashes into our lines but we are prepared for them. The rebs desert over to our lines at the rate of fifty a day they bring guns and horses with them they get paid according to their value. They say that most of the men's time is out and that they are discouraged and that where one comes over to our lines a hundred deserts to their rear they also say that Genl Lee is building Corduroy road to the rear for to haul his guns off so some fine morning we will find. them gone. I received the February number of Authers from Maggie a few days ago. The paymaster has not come yet but they has been some talk of his coming soon. But I have told you all of the news. Give Chappy a big kiss for me. Give my respects to all of my friends. Write soon.

Your Son.
George Murray.

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


February 25, 1865




George Murray , “February 25, 1865,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 20, 2024,