I herewith transmit to you $458 amount subscribed by our Regt for the relief of the sufferers at Fredericksburg. It is very little, we know and we regret it, but…
Enclosed please find ($150) one hundred & fifty dollars contributed by the Officers and privates of Co. D 2 Va. Infantry 1st Brigade Jackson's Old Division for the aid of the Fredericksburg sufferers.
Fredericksburg June 24th 1862 Genl Rufus Kng Commanding Division US Army Sir, I herewith send a communication for Maj Genl McDowell, which I respectfully request may be forwarded to him at your earliest convenience. Your many acts of courtesy and…
This will introduce to you Our friend Col. Ball “the hero of Fredericksburg” as we term him. He visits Fredericksburg en route to Stafford in ______ and may need your aid &…
Montgomery Slaughter Esq., Mayor of Fredericksburg
I have the honor to enclose to you a check for three hundred and twenty four dollars ($324), the contribution of Cos B&D and of the field and staff of the M-Cavalry. The…