Near Fredg, Aug 19th, 1863 Mr. Slaughter, Esq Dear Sir I am truly sorry it was out of my powers to see General Lee about the matter we were speaking of. This is to get him to have myself and Alexander Pratt detailed to scout for him over in the…
This will introduce to you Our friend Col. Ball “the hero of Fredericksburg” as we term him. He visits Fredericksburg en route to Stafford in ______ and may need your aid &…
Hd Q. Hampton's Cav. Dw Jany 21, 1864 Sir Major General Hampton directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of 20th last and to say that he would have replied in person, but your note was received, as he was on the point of starting for…
I have the honor to transmit herewith the amount subscribed by the Light Division for the benefit of the Fredericksburg Sufferers, amounting to Ten thousand, four hundred and forty…
Enclosed please find ($150) one hundred & fifty dollars contributed by the Officers and privates of Co. D 2 Va. Infantry 1st Brigade Jackson's Old Division for the aid of the Fredericksburg sufferers.
Hd.qr 1st Va Arty Camp near Bowling Green Lt. Jas. P. Smith A.D.C. ___ Lieutenant: I send $122__ the subscription of the six companies now under my command for the Fredericksburg sufferers. It would have been larger but for the fact that the men's…