Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

Browse Items (83 total)

Steamer Connecticut Aug 12th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 31st inst. yesterday. We took a load of wounded up to Washington. For the last week we have been carrying wounded to Fort Monroe. In the load that we carried…

Near Fredg, Aug 19th, 1863 Mr. Slaughter, Esq Dear Sir I am truly sorry it was out of my powers to see General Lee about the matter we were speaking of. This is to get him to have myself and Alexander Pratt detailed to scout for him over in the…

Steamer Connecticut Aug 22nd /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received two letters from you one dated the 5th of June and the other the 11th of August. I was glad to hear from you. We took a load of sick and wounded to Washington last Saturday the…

Steamer Connecticut Aug 31st /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 20th inst about a week ago but as I had not time to write I did not answer it. Your letter found me in good health and spirits and hope this will find you the…

Headquarters Army of Potomac Dec 12th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 7th inst last Saturday evening and was glad to hear from you. It had just been freezing and snowing so that it has blown up quite cold yesterday and…

From the battlefield Near Fred. Dec 15th 1862.

Dear Father & Mother.

I sit down to let you know that I am safe and sound. Tell Mr. Helen that Fred is safe. Al Beal, Ed Simms, C. Wells, Has Bill and Charley Gentry Joe Niles and all of the…

Headquarters Army of Potomac Dec 20th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 12th inst about the 15th but I thought that I would wait till I received the box. I received the box this morning it came up to the Post Office last…

Falmouth Dec. 24th 1862

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 13th inst, a few days ago, but have not had time to answer it, and as most of the regiment has gone out on picket for three days, and I had a little spare time, I…

Headquarters Army of Potomac Dec 26th /64

Dear Father & Mother

I received your letter of the inst a few days ago but had not time to answer it. Christmas eve I was on guard and about nine o'clock I heard the bells commence ringing in the…

Fredericksburg Va Dec 5th 1862

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 17th inst, last night and your letter of the 1st inst this morning. I commenced this letter on Saturday, and will attempt to finish Sunday, only fingers got so…
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