Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

December 20, 1864


December 20, 1864


From George Murray to his parents, dated 20DEC1864. Received the box safely, and asks for another pair of stockings, paper, and postage stamps. Lists his clothing account from the time of his enlistment to his wounding. Amounts to $84.70 for two years. In ink on unlined sheet, ""Congress"" mark at top left. Torn at the folds and at top right.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Headquarters Army of Potomac Dec 20th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 12th inst about the 15th but I thought that I would wait till I received the box. I received the box this morning it came up to the Post Office last evening but the Post Master would not issue them out till this morning. I found everything all right and it comes very good. I received the stockings but had to give them right away for a pair that I borrowed. I wish that you would send the other pair on as quick as you can. I received a letter from Cousin Maggie Sunday night also two Magazines she said they were all well. I also received a letter from Grandpap Murray he said they were all well but busy. I wish that you would send me some writing paper as I had to borrow this sheet you need not send me any envelopes as I have got plenty send me some more stamps as I have used up all that you sent me. I am in good health and hope these few lines may find you the same. There is nothing new down here. Last Sunday I saw some of the boys from the Connecticut. They said that they had a splendid dinner Thanksgiving turkies and geese and Doctor Hood waited on them they said they were crossing the bay one night and a propeller ran into them and knocked a big hole in the side and they had a great time. All of the Bustleton boys are well. Here is my clothing account leaving the cap and invalid jacket out as they have got no account of them in the regiment yet. While I was with the regiment from the time of my enlistment till I was wounded my clothing amounted to
Drawn at McClellan Hospital
$50. 61 cts
3.55 Blue Pants
2.05 Shoes
9.50 Overcoat
2.50 Blue Pants
2.83 Red Pants
3.34 Blue Shirt
1.00 Turban
1.00 Z Cap
0.87 Sash
5.25 Jacket
Leather Leggins
Linen Guaiters
$2.22 Shoes
Amounts to over $84.70 for two years and some months.

Write soon
Your Son
George Murray.

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


December 20, 1864




George Murray, “December 20, 1864,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 19, 2024,