Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

November 24, 1864


November 24, 1864


From George Murray to his parents, dated 24NOV1864. Mentions Thanksgiving dinner and promotions within the regiment. In ink on lined sheet, ""Paris"" mark at top. Lower left corner cut away slightly, stained and nicked at the bottom.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Headquarters Army of Potomac Nov 24th /64

Dear Father & Mother

I received your letter of the 20th inst this evening and was glad to hear from you. Your letter found me in good health and I hope these lines will find you the same. I am very sorry to hear of the death of Ellen Banes. It has been very stormy for the last three or four days but it has cleared off, cold. If it had not stormed the army would have been on the move. The rebs tried to get into our rear. I wrote a letter to Grandpap Murray and Uncle Add a few days ago. We had for our Thanksgiving dinner a stew we got an order on the Commissary for potatoes and onions we had quite a stew we got a few pies and turkies for the company but they were so small that it was hardly a bite. Charles Gentry is promoted to 5th sargeant. Our first order is captain of our Company our second orderly is Lieutenant of Company A. Naylor is 5 sargeant of Company K with the prospect of being orderly of it. Major Bowen expects to be Lieutenant Col but the regiment wants eight more men before he can be mustered the regiment has only some two hundred odd men but there was not enough men for to muster him. There is splendid chances in some of the companies for some of the men. But I have told you all of the news. Give my respects to all enquiring friends. I received the towels and mittens. I have got a gum blanket. There is nothing I want at present but you can send the magazines on if you want to. Write

Your Son
George Murray

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


November 24, 1864




George Murray, “November 24, 1864,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 19, 2024,