Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

November 17, 1864


November 17, 1864


From George Murray to his parents, dated 07NOV1864. Received their package (towel, mittens, and handkerchief). Describes his winter hut. Received a new uniform. Asks for magazines and makes reference to an article about the 114th. In ink on lined folder stationary, ""Paris"" mark at top. Two small nicks at the bottom, good condition.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Headquarters Army of Potomac Nov 17/64

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letters of the 6th and 13th inst and was glad to hear from you. Your letters found me in good health and I hope these may find you the same. I received the towel, mittens and handerchief last Sunday evening. You need not have sent the handerchief as I had two already. I was just going to send for the mittens. Our company went 19 Union and 8 Democratic the regiment went republican but I forget how much majority. There is not much news around here picket occasionally but that has become so common that we hardly notice it. I have been so busy building my shanty that I have not had time to write. My shanty is nine logs high and just comes up to my shoulders at the eaves two pieces of shelter tents in length a big chimmey and fireplace and a bunk a foot high large enough for three of us. I drew my uniform yesterday. I have been wearing the blue along. All of the Bustleton boys are well. You ask me if I want a gum blanket. I have got one. I picked up a good just before I left the boat but I had no idea that I would have to use it when I picked it up. I was going to keep it and send it home but I think that I will keep it by me now. If you have got any magazines send them on. We saw that piece in the paper about the 114 and we thought there would be somebody disappointed yet I thought that people who had friends in the regiment would knew better from the way that the piece read it said from Sheridan's army and they knew that we were not in that army. I am well and can eat hearty. You need not send any more clothing at present as I have got too much of it already. Give my respects to all of my friends. Give Chapy a kiss for me. I like to have forgot to tell that I saw Mr. Hoot the other day but he did not know me he was enquiring for Naylor and Lowre. No more at present write soon.

Your Son
George Murray.

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


November 17, 1864




George Murray, “November 17, 1864,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 19, 2024,