Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

January 11 and 25, 1863


January 11 and 25, 1863


From George Murray to his uncle, dated 11JAN1863 Falmouth. Received his letter and magazines, received new uniforms, balloons have been going up (in preparation for an engagement?). In pencil on lined folder stationary. Lower quarter of page torn away, but does not affect the text. Stained along folds. On reverse, letter from Maggie Murray to her Aunt, 25JAN1863, Phila. Sending on George's letter; hopes they can come visit soon. Smudge at bottom left.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Falmouth Jan 11th 1863

Dear Uncle.

I received your letter of the 4th inst, and also the magazine that you sent last Friday, and was glad to hear from you. I am sorry that you have such a sick time at your house, but hope that they will soon get better. Pap was down here today, he went over to Baxter's and saw Charley Banes. He says he looks as well as he ever did. He has been down here several Sundays now, and it is very pleasant to me to see him. I am well at present. We received new uniforms today, and I think it is time as the whole regiment was in rags. For several days past the balloons has been going up, and for several nights we have seen signal lights, so that something is going to happen soon. I have no more news at present. Give my love to Aunt Sally Ann, and the children.

G. Murray.

(on back of above letter is the following letter)

Philadelphia Jan 25th 1863

Dear Aunt

You will see by the dates of these letters that they are not very late. And I expect you have later news from both Uncle Josey and George but we thought you would like to see them once so we concluded to send them. We would have sent them sooner but some of us fully expected to come up to day, but Pap is not very well, and mother did not want to leave him to bother with all the children so you see neither of them could come. I wish you could come down, and stay with us for a while we want to see you and Alfred so much, and I do not think there is any danger of the measles now, if you do not come write and tell us how you are. We received Georges letter on Monday and Uncle Joseys on Friday, Mother says do come down if you can. She does not think the children will have any thing else. Ella has had a bad time with the ear-ache but she is better now. Write soon.

Maggie Murray

P.S. Pap says if you want any money or any thing else, or if there is any thing he can do for you to write and let us know, he would have come up to day if he had been right well. Please excuse all mistakes. Give our love to all. If you hear any news from Uncle Josey or George write and let us know.

Yours affectionately Maggie Murray

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George and Maggie Murray


January 11 and 25, 1863




George and Maggie Murray, “January 11 and 25, 1863,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 19, 2024,