Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

February 19, 1863


February 19, 1863


From George Murray to his parents, dated 19FEB1863, Falmouth,VA. Possibility of recrossing the river, Burnside's Head Quarters burning down, visit by 3 men from home,
and received underclothing and a box from home (many of the things were spoiled). Asks for another box, ""but be sure and fasten the thing up tight."" In pencil , faded and badly stained in the center section. Small pinholes throughout.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Falmouth Va. Feb 19th 1863

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 1Oth inst, a day or two ago; and so it is storming outside I though I would sit down and answer it. Your letter found me in good health, and I hope these few lines will find you the same. I am very sorry to hear that grandpap is so poorly. We have not moved our camp yet, there is some little talk of our going across ·the river again, but I cannot tell how true it is. The brick house in which Burnside had his headquarters was burned down the other day. Mr. Gentry, Helen, and Wills were down here last Sunday, they left for home on Monday afternoon. Has seemed to be about the same, Mr. Gentry expects to get him his discharge in a few days. Cap. Bowen is home on a ten days furlough. We have received our underclothing at last. I received the magazine that you sent to me; I also received some paper this morning. All of the boys have received their boxes. I also received some things out of my box, but Mr. Helen said that the most of the things were spoiled, as the jelly spilt all over them. I received some jellys, doughnuts, ginger cakes, raspberry vinegar, all of which went very good to me. We receive fresh bread three times a week now. I would like to have another box, if you can get it to me, but be sure and fasten the things up tight, and direct to Birney's headq. Give my love to _____ and mother.

G. Murray

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


February 19, 1863




George Murray, “February 19, 1863,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed September 19, 2024,