Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

April 9, 1863


April 9, 1863


From George Murray to his parents, dated 09APR1863, Potomac Creek. Received their letter and money, and asks for more as he has not yet been paid. Also asks for another box. New general arrived, but name is unreadable. In pencil on lined sheet, embossed mark at upper left. Stained slightly, nicked at bottom left. Treated 7/1994 by S. Filter/J. Herrick.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Potomac Creek Apr 9th 1863

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 29th inst last Friday evening but had not time to answer it. I have received the money and papers that you have sent to me. I wish you send a little larger amounts the army has not been paid off nor do we hear any tell of it being paid off. I have told you in several letters that my feet are not frosted. Do as you think best about Subser(?) for the youths Companion. I do not know for how long it had been paid for. I think the receipt was put up in my desk in one of the little drawers. All of the pack mules have been turned in again. We had quite a large snowstorm last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Gentry was down here last Friday after who has got his discharge but had left for home on Wednesday. Do you think it would do for you to send me another box if so please send me more butter than you did before. Our new General has arrived his name is General Graham he is from the ' Excelsior Brigade. We have just returned from four days picket. I received your letter of the 5th inst tonight and was very glad to hear from you. The talk is that we will lay around here all summer but I cannot tell whether it is so or not. I am well and hope this will find you the same. Write soon.

G. Murray.

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


April 9, 1863




George Murray, “April 9, 1863,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed October 18, 2024,