Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

April 12, 1863


April 12, 1863


From George Murray to his parents, dated 12APR1863, Potomac Creek. Camp and regiment reviewed by the President and his family. Mentions a friend who expects to be discharged soon, and no sign of the paymaster. In pencil on lined sheet. Stained. Lower left corner cut away slightly. Nicked in 3 places at bottom. Seal at upper left. Treated 7/1994 by S. Filter/J. Herrick.


-Information provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


Potomac Creek Apr 12th 1863

Dear Father & Mother

As it is Sunday and I have nothing to do so that I thought that I would write to you. It is a splendid day outside it reminds one of spring. You ought to see our camp all of the streets are decorated with evergreens so that it looks very nice. We· were reviewed by the President and his family the other day. The Col. is going to have a house built. Our Chaplin has left us for good and all success to him. Today is very different from last Sunday about this time we were wading through the snow on our way to picket. Charles Wells expects to get his discharge in a few days. I received the comb that you sent to me in the newspaper. We have not seen or heard any tell of the paymaster and the boys are beginning to grow impatient. All of the Bustleton boys are well. Our General seems to be a nice fellow. I am well and hope these few lines will find you the same. But I have run out of news so that I will have to stop for the present.

G. Murray

-Transcript provided by the courtesy of the National Park Service


George Murray


April 12, 1863




George Murray, “April 12, 1863,” Slaughter-Murray Papers, accessed October 18, 2024,