Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

Browse Items (83 total)

Camp near Fort Slocum Sept 3rd 1862

Dear Father & Mother.

We started from the Camp at Nicetown, about 3 o'clock on Monday morning; started from the city, about 8 o'clock, arrived at Baltimore, about 5 o'clock P.M. We marched through a drenching…

Camp Crossman Sept 6th 1862

Dear Father & Mother

I sit to tell you that I am well and hope these few lines will find you the same. We like our camp very well with the exception of the water which is very poor. I have had as many peaches as I…

Camp Crossman Sept 12 1862

Dear Father & Mother.

Your letter of 9 inst has just come to hand, I found the money you sent me all right. I forgot to tell you in my last letter, that I received your letter, and blanket. The blanket was of great…

Camp Crossman Sept 15th 1862

Dear Father & Mother.

I am well at present, and hope these few lines will find you the same. I herein send $25, the United States government bounty; and I wish you would send word right away, whether you received it…

Camp Prescott Va. Sept 30th 1862

Dear Father & Mother.

I now take my pencil in hand, to let you know, how I am, and to tell you how we are getting along. I am well and all the rest of the boys, except Charley Wilson who is in the hospital at…

Camp Prescott Va. Sept. 1862

Dear Father & Mother

We are on the sacred soil of Virginia at last. We left Camp Crossman last Thursday, and arrived at our present camp about five o'clock. We marched pass the president's house, Smithison…

Potomac Creek Apr /63

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 16th inst last Sunday evening but as the box had not reached me yet: I received the box last evening the bottle of Jamaica Ginger was broken and it ran out the eggs were…

Potomac Creek Apr 26th /63

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 19th inst a few evenings ago but as I was on guard I had not time to answer it. All of the boys are well and I am well also. I received the box as for the cakes and…

Harewood Hos. May 18th /63

Dear Uncle
I have just received your letter of the 17 inst, and was very glad to hear from you. I am glad that pap got in time for the car; as I was afraid I kept him too long. Tell mother that she had better not come…

Philad. June 1st, 1863

Dear Brother

I returned from Harewood Hospital this morning. Margaret and I started at 12 o'clock on Friday night and got to the Hospital at 1/2 pass 8 o'clock on Saturday morning we found George at Barracks No. 4 Bed No…
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