Slaughter-Murray Papers

An archival journey through Civil War letters...

Browse Items (83 total)

Potomac Creek Apr 12th 1863

Dear Father & Mother

As it is Sunday and I have nothing to do so that I thought that I would write to you. It is a splendid day outside it reminds one of spring. You ought to see our camp all of the streets are…

Richmond April 13, 1863

Montgomery Slaughter Esqr.
Mayor of Fredericksburg

Dear Sir

I have again the pleasure to inform you of a deposit today to your credit in the Bank of Va. Of $124.30 sent to me from Charleston, SC, by the hands of the…

Office of R.H. Maury & CO
Richmond 14 April 1863

M. Slaughter Esq.
Mayor of Fredburg
at Hamilton's Crossing ____

Dear Sir: We hold [subject] to your order $701, remitted by F.F. Beattie Esq of Greenville, So. Ca, who write “This sum is…

April 15th /64
Barracks D.C
Headquarters of V. R. C. Cliffburne

Dear Father & Mother.

I now sit down to write you a few lines to let you know how I am getting along. We left the Hospital at half past two in the afternoon left Broad and Prime…

Potomac Creek Apr 18th /63

Dear Father & Mother

I received your letter of the 12th inst last evening and was very glad to hear from you. We have not been paid off yet. I wish you would send me the papers with an account of the bombardment of…

Potomac Creek Apr /63

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 16th inst last Sunday evening but as the box had not reached me yet: I received the box last evening the bottle of Jamaica Ginger was broken and it ran out the eggs were…

Depot Camp of V. R. C. April 24th /64

Dear Father & Mother.

I now sit down to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well, and hope these few lines will find you the same. I am now acting orderly for one of the Captains. I was…

Potomac Creek Apr 26th /63

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 19th inst a few evenings ago but as I was on guard I had not time to answer it. All of the boys are well and I am well also. I received the box as for the cakes and…

Head Quarters Lee's Division
Cavalry corps, Army Northern Virginia
April 28th, 1864

Mr. Slaughter
Mayor of Fredericksburg

My dear sir,

I am instructed by Genl Fitz Lee today in answer to your communication which he received today that he…

Potomac Creek Apr 9th 1863

Dear Father & Mother.

I received your letter of the 29th inst last Friday evening but had not time to answer it. I have received the money and papers that you have sent to me. I wish you send a little larger amounts…
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